About Us

Our company, RentaLighting, specializes in renting Godox goods. How many people in tiny Hong Kong own strong theater lights or extensive photography gear that is only utilized once or twice a year for work? This problem can be resolved with the advent of RentaLighting. Imagine that for a few hundred dollars, you can use a high-output professional movie light valued at approximately HK$20,000 for a whole day, significantly lessening everyone's workload and flawlessly meeting work-related demands. With a relatively minimal investment, professionals in several fields, including students, photographers, teachers, and other professionals, will be able to use professional equipment for various productions. Our objective is that this service can benefit various industries in Hong Kong. As they say, you have to sharpen your tools before you can do your work well. Visit us to learn more about our offerings!

我們是RentaLighting, 主力租借Godox神牛的產品。試問在香港這個彈丸之地,又有幾人能夠擁有著一些大火力的影視燈,又或大型的攝影器材只供可能一年一兩次的工作使用呢?我們RentaLighting 的出現正正就能解決這樣的狀況。試想像一支價值接近$20000 港幣的高輸出專業影視燈只需要幾百元便能使用一整天,大大減輕大家的負擔,便能完美應付工作的需要。我們期望這個服務能為香港的不同行業作出幫助,不論你是學生、攝影師、老師甚或不同行業的人士都能以一個比較少的投入便能夠使用一些專業的器材投入不同的製作當中。正所謂工欲善其事必先利其器,快來體驗我們的服務吧!